About Summer

I know this is MY blog, (you hear that, Summer? It's all M-I-N-E!!) but Summer wanted to put this page on here just in case you wanted to know about her. :) So, take it away, Summer!

Hi, I'm Summer!

I love music and a whole lot of other things (just like the rest of the world), but I also have another interest that I share with a whole bunch of people: 18 inch dolls, (specifically American Girl and Maplelea dolls).

Anyways, just like thousands of other people, I was wandering around the internet, and somehow wound up finding a corner of YouTube, known as "AGTube". I, just like many others before me, was fascinated how people were making videos with their AG dolls and sharing them with the world. The thought of making videos like that had never crossed my mind, and I felt a longing; I NEEDED to be a part of this.

As I watched millions of videos by other girls (and a few boys too), my want quickly grew into a need. I knew that I couldn't live without doing this.

I shared my interest with  my mother, but being the careful parent that she is, she declined, saying that YouTube could bring viruses or I'd be kidnapped by some creepy person and blah, blah, blah...

But, I continued to watch the videos, and I found a video camera at my house and made videos with it. I even put them into the ammetuer video editors such as 'Windows Movie Maker'. I joined AGTubers conversations when they had Tinychat parties. By signing in as a guest, and changing my name to my dream username "WhaleTailProductions", I quickly became friends with these super nice, friendly girls. They all shared the same interests as I did, and they encouraged me to keep haggling my mom to let me have an account.

Finally, one day, my mom said "Yes.". That was the word that I had been waiting for, for what seemed like forever. She helped me create an account, and I uploaded my first video, thanking 'Jellybean585' for helping me get onto YouTube. I sound like a complete ninny in that video, babbling on and on, but I was so excited to finally get to be a part of it all. Sure, my camera was bad quality. Sure, I had almost no experience. But I was totally happy! I finally got to live one of my dreams!

I can't show my face, or say what age I am, but I hope that I will be able to one day, (it's hard to explain, but everyone really wants to show their face. You'll know the feeling when you get it.).

I am now sort of the 'Head' of the collab 'SevenEpicDolls7', that was started by Charlotte (MonChatDansLaLune), and Danielle (I can't remember her original YouTube name, but it was closed due to a hacker).

I still can't believe how far I've come, and I still continue to make videos with my ammetue video editor, 'Windows Live Movie Maker 2011'. There are so many people that I look up to on AGTube, and it's hard to believe that they all started where I did.

Also, if I'm ever going to an American Girl Store, and you know which one it is (if I was going, the info would be on my channel), I'm most likely the only person there with PURPLE hair! ;D Yes, I DO have purple hair! :D

Thank you for reading this little story of how it all began, and I thank you for visiting this blog, and I hope you check out my YouTube channel: SummerStudiosAG. (BTW, it's not 'WhaleTailProductions' as mentioned earlier, simply because that name ((according to YouTube)) was already taken).

Dream on!

-Summer ;)

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